Heather James, OTR/L
Occupational Therapist & Feeding Therapist
Can see clients in: Bergen County, New Jersey
Virtual and In-Person
Heather James graduated from New York University with her Master's in Occupational Therapy. She has worked in many different settings including pediatric sensory gyms, schools, Skilled Nursing Facilities, acute care and rehabilitation hospitals. Heather has worked in both inpatient and outpatient settings and within client's homes. She has worked in collaboration with speech language pathologists, physical therapists, and ABA therapists.
With an undergraduate degree in Family Sciences, working with children and their families has always been a passion of Heather's. She loves the idea of helping a child when they are young to set them up for success throughout their entire lives and educating their families along the way. To do so, Heather has invested in trainings including the Sensory Oral Sequential approach to feeding, Neuro-Developmental Treatment, and The Listening Program to advance her skills.
In Heather's free time she loves going on adventures with her children and husband, traveling, and eating good food!